
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Cute Stationery Finds...

My daughter discovered the  new spring dollar bins at Michaels...and I recommend that you RUN and not WALK to the nearest Michaels for the very cute stationery finds!

First, for all you seamstresses, and those who enjoy vintage patterns...

So Retro!
Notice the envelopes and the picture backdrop are pattern pieces!

Fun Dress note pads!  Totally chic!

And they , of course, had a wide variety of cute little stamps...

They had plenty...the bins were full of these finds and others!  Makes writing letters such fun, especially when on a budget!  Oh, and their washi tape was 50% off...whoo-hoo!


  1. These are so cute! I wish we had a Michaels closer.

  2. Wow, those are really cute. I was just at Michael's about a week ago and I didn't notice these cuties. Must make a trip back.

  3. Those are so cute - makes me wish I'd stopped at our Michael's instead of driving past it yesterday. I'll keep my fingers crossed that they won't sell out before I can get up there again. =D
