
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Doodle art and the "Netter"

Have you been anywhere when you didn't have your stash of  stickers, tapes, rubber stamps...and wonder how in the world could you possibly  send off a "naked" envelope???? Horrors!  Well, this post hearkens back to my childhood days when my twin sister and I would sit at our desks and ...create doodle art.  My twin went on to be an accomplished graphic artist...while sadly, my fledgling  talent faded, snif. Seriously, I have noticed in the book stores quite a number of  "how to" doodle books out there right now, particularly targeted to youngsters.  I haven't picked any up yet, (I'm waiting for the Amazon $.01 deal) but what a nice tool to have when it comes to mail art.  So when I was at the beach, I had my Sharpie ultra fine black marker and some  color pencils and well the rest is as you see it below...


So, the next time you need to get inspired... think back to your childhood days, or better yet...grab a kid!


What's a NETTER?

I sat down the other day to write a few thank you notes (which we all know are shorter than a letter), but then thought of someone that I needed to write a letter to...but I didn't have lots of became...a.... Netter!  :-)   I guess that would be shorter than a letter, but longer than a note.  PLEASE... correct me if I am wrong!


OK, ok.  I've looked back on the past few posts and noticed that they have been mainly mail art...but I have some posts that I am working on that are  more "content" related.   Please stay tune... I think you will enjoy!
Also, I have some very interesting incoming mail I want to share with you all!


  1. Are envelopes still naked if they are only wearing sealing wax?

    1. Oh, no . Sealing wax makes a letter so special and definitely adds a bit of refinement to any letter.So the letter isn't naked at all. ;-)

  2. I love it, I need to write more "netters"!
