
Saturday, June 28, 2014

The benefits of cursive handwriting : Princeton study/ Mrs. Duffy... and inspiration!!!

A Study...
A Letter...
A lot of inspiration!

Here is another study...but put out by a researcher at Princeton, this time about the benefits of handwriting (you know, the kind you do with your hand and a pen or pencil) over the keyboard.  Not that the keyboard will ever be replaced, but I think that there is a happy medium somewhere here!

Then, right on the coat tails of this study, what should  all of a sudden appear in my incoming mail , but a lovely, beautiful, letter from Mrs. Duffy (see her wonderful blog:  Letter Matters).  And, I must say that I  do pause... and examine...  her workmanship from every angle...

Isn't her script absolutely lovely?
While admiring it...I just had to pull out my quill pens, dipping pens, inks and nibs... 
And my long-forgotten Spencerian Script instruction book.
This is a very do-able guide...if you devote the necessary time.  I couldn't find my oblique pen holder... but I could locate my various nibs and inks.
Here is a peek at one of the pages in the book.  I highly recommend it, but again, it requires much devotion,and patience to see results.  I don't believe that I shall ever be as elegant as Mrs. Duffy, but I have been inspired!  Mrs. Duffy is experimenting with her dipping pens...I am sure she is doing beautifully.  I am in the market for a very flexible nib for calligraphy in the  fountain pen style.  Does someone have any suggestions for me in this regard?

Reach outside your comfort zone...grab some inspiration and...

Write letters,
Write often.

Lady Pamela


  1. Thank you for the kind words, Lady Pamela. Where might I find a workbook such as yours?

    I know of a flex pen that might interest you. John Mottishaw at does Spencerian customization on fountain pens. I've wanted the customized Namiki Falcon myself but have yet to save up for it.

    1. Learn To Write Spencerian Script by Michael and Debra Sull is available through
      Thanks for the flex nib info!!!!

  2. Thanks. You might also be interested in They deal in vintage pens, many of which are flex and they're not quite as expensive as Mottishaw's Spencerian customization.

  3. That's a great book. I got mine when I took a (too) short Spencerian handwriting workshop years ago. Unfortunately it's packed away in storage so I won't see it until we "finish" moving.
