
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Incoming...from a Mail Art Genius!

The Packages arrive...  with a bit of "extra" emblazoned upon them!

The  Mail Art Genius has struck!!  Of course I would be referring to  my twin sister, Pat!  (See label:  Illustrated letters)  Wow.  It feels like the "old days".  She hasn't lost her touch since college days, has she? 

Here are some close ups...she knew that when the packages would arrive that they would cause quite a stir in our house.. and yes... we were all GUESSING what was inside these mysterious boxes!

Ha, ha.  "Where are my arms?" Oh my...she really doesn't have any!

The smaller brown box only had  one illustration...which was self explanatory.  I'll accept that.

oooohhhhh.....the excitement just builds!

Was I ever pleasantly surprised. What a gem!  I had never seen or even knew this book was in existence!!  The Spirit of the Letter in Painting    The text  is by Jean Leymarie .It is absolutely gorgeous with 32 full color plate illustrations of  masterpieces...all dealing with letters in art.  More on this lovely book in the future~ 

Here is a sneak peek.  Isn't it just breathtaking?

But what about the smaller brown box with one lonely illustration?  It contained another marvelous surprise!  Two sweet  little kokeshi dolls...  I am enamoured with them!  Does anyone read Japanese?  Can you tell me what the little inscription says?  Of course this will add to my study  for watercolor subjects.  I can't wait to sketch them!

Incoming is such a treat...feeling so special and loved.

Write Letters,
Write often.

Lady Pamela