
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday Tea Time and Letters... Rituals!

Some time ago, Mrs. Duffy over at posted an interesting question .  She wanted to know if anyone had any particular rituals that involved our letter writing experience.  I am sorry to say that I did not leave a comment, but it did get me thinking about my own rituals.  

Most of my domestic rituals involve tea.  I absolutely love tea in almost any shape or form.  I even have particular mugs I drink from at certain times of the day.  My green recycle mug is for the AM (it is LARGE).  I use an old Christmas mug for my green tea in the PM, I sometimes substitute   with my Kincade mug if I can't locate the old Christmas one.  I also have a bone china tea cup collection that is displayed in my antique pie safe.  Sometimes, when I need a bit of elegance...I carefully select a REAL tea cup. Each one of these lovelies have a story of their own.

  • But here  is where the real RITUAL begins...

When I want "Five Minutes Peace"( and ok, I really want more than 5 minutes!) (that is the title of a delightful children's picture book)  (akkk! I know it isn't proper to have all of these parentheses!!!!!)... and I want to enjoy my beautiful mail ...peacefully, I enjoy the ritual of selecting one of my tea pots from my collection and brewing an aromatic pot of tea.  In the fall and winter time, I slip on a tea cosy to keep it warm, I then place this pot on a tray, with a little treat of biscotti, or some other cookie or whatever treat I might have hidden, I might add--you don't birth and raise 10 children and not know how to hide things! I then continue  on up to my bedroom, close the door and enjoy my tea party of, myself and my letters! relaxation.  I have managed to enjoy this ritual , even with a house of rambunctious children.  Yes, there would be the wiggling fingers under the door...and their pitiful cries, of  "mommy!"but to no avail... I was determined to have my bit of ritual.  I needed the renewal that the steaming pot of  hot tea offered.  I understood what Mrs. Elephant needed, so that she could keep on giving to her little ones.
This book, by the way, is a mandatory  read for all you young mommies out there who need your batteries recharged!

I no longer have little fingers poking under the door frame...but I still need my bit of ritual.  What about you?  Dear Reader, I invite you to share your "get alone to read my letters" ritual here!  Please leave a comment or send me a write up of your ritual and I will share this with the readership!

And one last thing. Would you mind very much if I shared periodically on Tuesdays, my tea obsessions along with letters?  You wouldn't have to worry about me being a tea snob, because , well, I'm not.  I just think that tea and letters  are a great combo!  And do let me hear from you as well!

Is there no Latin word for Tea?   Upon my soul, if I had known that I would have left the vulgar stuff alone. 
~~Hilaire Belloc

Write Letters,
Write Often,

Lady Pamela

1 comment:

  1. I would like my ritual to include tea and a clean desk! However realistically it's a few stolen minutes here and there with my kids busy drawing and writing too...
