
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Vintage Books Re purposed for Snailmail

I have a Horatio Alger book collection.  But, unfortunately  they were printed on really bad paper...the effect now is that they are disintegrating ...crumbling , each time you open them.  This particular book is so amazing.  I love the cover, but pages are fast falling out.  Now...just so you know.  I do NOT advocate buying up these beautiful OLD books for the sole purpose of tearing them apart.  That would be like tearing apart my soul!  I have hundreds, if not thousands of out- of- print books in my home.  Ask anyone who knows me!  But, I decided to use this one for the purpose of "sharing".  One thing that I have found that is somewhat  of interest to me since I have a love affair with old books, is the  taking from an old book a single page and including it in your snail mail.  This gives others a taste for vintage reading that they may not have ever been exposed to and might even get them "into" old books as a hobby.

Here you can see that I have included a page from the book Facing the World by Horatio Alger on the cover of my envelope.   I will also share a page of it in my letter.  Then I used rubber stamps and craft paper and made some vintage prints,old tickets, stamps,etc. to collage onto the envelope.  

Here are some gorgeous pages I received in a recent swap.  Oh...I love the prints...the pen and ink drawings are just amazing.

I came across this at Pinterest and I am in love!  The web site is :
and the pictures are from this website.  I just love how she has extended the life of an old book!

Cosmo Cricket has a lovely DIY tutorial on how she made this!  I hope you will visit her site and give this a try.

Write Letters,
Write Often.

Lady Pamela


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am so sorry...I wanted to reply via my new blog but it refuses :( nevertheless! I was trying to tell you that I love the idea of including pages of a beloved book in your mail :0)

  3. Hello Judith! Thanks for your comment. I don't think I have won over everyone on this topic, but, I do find it a lovely way to share a book that no longer is bound..i.e. is falling apart.
