
Friday, March 27, 2015

Pressed Flowers...DIY for your snail mail inserts!

Spring is Here!

Spring has sprung here is beautiful, southside Virginia!  My daughter picked these daffodils for me and it reminded me of...

pressing some flowers!  I had picked some of the crocuses  (deep purple, so beautiful!) and headed to my "super professional" flower pressing station!  LOL!  Ha, ha.  Here you have it folks!  Do you have an old copy of Janson and Janson laying around....well then put it to use!  See those wavy pages?There are flowers pressed between those pages.   Just load a few heavy books on top, and here are some of my results.  I will hopefully  share some of my other flowers at a later time.  Honestly, I had forgotten all about these flowers tucked away in these dusty books.  But, that is what you have to do. Forget them.    Come back several months later...or even a I did here.

My technique (if you can call it that) is to get a rather heavy weight of paper--I use church bulletin paper, because Mr. Foster does our church's bulletin each Sunday and we always have left overs.  It is a good weight and can soak up any juices that might leach out in the process, and thereby not harming your book.  I fold it over and place it between the leaves of a book.  It works great!

Here is last year's crocus with some sweet little white wild flowers.

I was stunned when I saw the gorgeousness of these hydrangeas!  It was a total experiment, they are so fluffy to try to press, but look at the results!  They are literally PAPER thin!  And I am always amazed at the  amount of color retained!

Oh, I can't wait to slip this beauty into some one's mail.

Do you remember this old 1885 letter I posted recently?  I think it is so sweet that Mrs. Peyton sent her husband these sweet pressed flowers.  When I opened the letter, I could hardly believe that  they were there...surviving all of these years.   Perhaps one day, one of your letters may survive in an old trunk in some one's attic, and opened and read...will a beautiful  pressed flower be present?  I hope so.  

So go...gather sweet signs of spring and do some pressing today!

Write Letters,
Write Often.

Lady Pamela

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