
Friday, April 10, 2015

Jane Austen Snail Mail!

Whoa!  And I mean...Whoa!

When was the last time you received something in the mail that your jaw just literally dropped open?  Well it happened to me, and I would like to share it with you.

First, the envelope.  It arrived in a nice puffy,a slightly heavy envelope, rather large , approx. 8.5" X 5.5" and the outside of the envelope was only the beginning! Her handwriting is to "die for"!  I loved her pink charming.

The parcel contained a beautifully vintage crafted tri-fold pocket letter, but with a gorgeous cloth cover, trimmed in lace.  Isn't it lovely?

As one opens the tri-fold, the first panel on the left has a laminated picture of Jane Austen in full, glorious color!  The pockets are gorgeously cut and also covered with the fabric. More on the details of the contents of the pockets in a moment.

The center panel contained the letter sealed with  gold wax and secured with a sheer pink ribbon.

The third and final panel  had a laminated quote  (one of my favorites with letter  writing) and another pocket with Austen goodies.

Here is the  Tri-fold fully opened.

Here is the crown of this jewel...a beautiful "Crossed Letter"!!! This was the first one that I had ever you can imagine how closely I examined it in all of it's glorious detail.

And it just so happened, that I had , the week before, joined a "Swap Bot"... crossed letter swa  p!  Ahh..perfect timing! This was nice to receive, so I could see how they were done, up close!  If this sort of thing interests you...then you can find a partner on Swap Bot and do some crossed letter exchanges!

Great  pen pal quote.

Oh my heart!!!  Be still!

Ahhh...Jennifer Ehle was the ONLY one that would do for THIS Mr. Darcy!

 The other pocket had these pieces of interesting Austen tidbits! (I read every word of it!)

Oh my!  A real , honest-to-goodness Janeite wrote to me and shared her world  and love of all things Austen with me.  I feel a bit intimidated (in a good I should probably say..."I am challenged to greater heights!") ;-)

Wow.  I was really blown away by the beauty and the sweet surprises in all of the pockets.  It was wonderful.  It was also a fine thing to receive a letter from a Janeite from ENGLAND!  It just seems to add a layer of authenticity to say you are a Janeite from the UK.  Ok.  enough ogling and on to what I am going to send back in reply to such gorgeousness!!!!!

Well...aha.  That is another post!  So stay tune, to see what I send out to the lovely Lady Ann. Until then...

Write Letters,
Write Often.

Lady Pamela


  1. What a spectacular package! I'm rather envious. I'm really intrigued by crossed letters but haven't been brave enough to try one.

    1. it really is beautiful. I was pinching myself in receiving it! Now about the crossed letter, when I wrote my first crossed letter, I wrote the first page...then when it came time to cross my felt like taking a "plunge"!! That's the only way I could describe it. But after the initial 'shock" of the crossing...I went along on my merry way!

  2. That is just gorgeous! Such a beautiful thing to receive.

    1. Oh Yes...I so totally agree! It so inspired me!!

  3. Ooo..I would likewise have been thrilled to receive that in the mail! Crossed letters are a new concept to me...will have to do some further research on that!

    1. Yes, the history of crossing letters is very interesting. It's main purpose was to save money. Each additional sheet caused the price to go up to the RECEIVER of the letter. So, it was just being considerate of the receiver to make it as inexpensive as possible.

  4. Pam, I'm thrilled you like my Austen letter. I absolutely loved making it. Sorry for the delay in my commenting. I had to travel home to my mother's house unexpectedly and there hasn't been much time to get on the computer here.

    1. I did indeed! Mine is on its way across the pond...Let me know when it arrives!

  5. Beautiful! Look foward to trying my hand at cross letter writing!
