
Monday, February 16, 2015

Tea Swapping...and Swap Bot

What Am I Going To Do With This Swap?

Ok.  I think I have mentioned to you , dear Reader, that I have plunged myself  mercilessly into the deeps of Swap Bot!  I don't know why it took me forever to  actually sign up for a swap ... all I can think is that I was really intimidated to join! 

 Why, for one thing , you need to learn a whole new language...flaker, NFZ (No Flaker Zone) angeling, twinchies, PIB, spoolies...and the list goes on.  They even have a glossary that you can print off to make  the transition from Newbie to full status a bit easier.  Thank goodness I joined the Newbie Help group!  It is all set up very nicely and user friendly with forums , etc.

Then there is the rating system...out there for EVERYONE to see.    But, seriously, it is unfortunately necessary to have all of these rules and regs in place because of the constant threat of "flakers"!  I am happy to tell you that I am doing far.  One of my postcards did not ever "make it " to the recipient (sent right before Christmas), but she messaged me and I resent...pronto!  Not only am I doing ok...I am actually enjoying it...

This round of swaps ( I am limited to 5 concurrent swaps) I signed up for an Odd and Unique Tea Swap.  This swap requires 6 unique tea bags sent to 4!  The trick is to send these  International swaps as thin as possible in an envelope or you will be charged a parcel rate, which is extraordinarily high.  Here is what I did:

Here are my little piles of tea foils...ready to package!  I hope they are "Odd or Unique" enough to pass muster!  I included Lemon, Chai Green tea, Chai Black tea, Salted Carmel Tea, Pumpkin Spice, and Orange Spice.

I cut out a piece of scrap booking paper a little smaller than the envelope, then I laid the tea bags as flat as I could, slightly overlapping, then secured them in place with washi tape.  I included a note on the back and... (blushing... a bit of self-promoting) included a Lostartrevived  postcard and Jane Austen Letter Writing Society card.

Here is the brief note I wrote on the back of the tea card.

Into the envelope it goes...

And off they go to...Slovenia, Netherlands, Belarus, USA...and a small packet to Spain!

I encourage you to check out Swapbot ...if you have time.  It might be something that interests you.

Write Letters.
Write Often.

Lady Pamela


  1. Salted caramel tea sounds interesting. My favourite at the moment is peppermint and licorice. It sounds strange but it's warming and nice, not overpowering. I'm loving swap-bot too at the moment. Have you seen the Austen style crossed letter swap?

    1. "On My Honor!... (as Miss Bates so sweetly would say) NO!!! I have not seen this. I must make haste and check it out...I ARDENTLY love anything Austen. Thank you Miss Anna!

  2. I haven't took part in a swap for long time. I've always like doing them, they're fun.
    Coffee is on

    1. Well...I am enjoying it, but learning to pace myself a bit. My problem is signing up for too many at one time. Ugh. Then I get behind. Coffee is permitted too...he he.
