
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Letter Writing On The Go!

When you have a 3 hour wait...Put it to good use!

My son had a 3 hour drama practice  recently, so I grabbed my Mobile Letter Writing Kit and headed out the door...there were letters to be written!

I had thought of going to the local library to wait out the practice, but they weren't open at the time I was in the I headed to the local McDonald's.  They were very accommodating.  I ordered my large caramel , mocha latte, and set to work.  I sort of spread out a bit...

I decorated pages as I went and wrote my little heart out.  These letters were needing a reply...
Here is the finished results... Letter #1 

And Letter # 2.  So thankful for my "on the go" letter writing kit!  I have a 4 hour practice to get through tomorrow.  You know what I will be doing!

Write Letters,
Write Often.

Lady Pamela


  1. So excited to see my letter from you and my letter to you in the pictures- yahoo!@!@!

  2. Looks like a lot of fun :D
    I think I want to assemble my own mobile letter writing kit sometime soon ^__^

    1. You know Striffy, really. We waste SO much time. I know I do. So, having this put together, helps me so much with NOT wasting time. Hope you can get to it!!!

  3. I put together my own mobile letter writing kit after seeing this, I love it and have been catching up on letters!!

    1. How Wonderful, Wendy!!! Send me a picture of your on the side bar!
