
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Incoming and Outgoing...Making Mail!

 My mailbox has been plenty busy as of late ...

 What a beautiful bunch of mail that I have had coming into my mail box!  South Africa...Bulgaria...Finland...United Kingdom...and all over the USA!
This was a Mystery Package from Global Penpal... it was rather large and flat...

What a delight! I had sent her a Virginia shaped mail for my intro letter...and look at this beautiful John Smith map print!  Thank you Global Penpal!

I found that Finland's shaped stamps were intriguing!  So first I thought they were stickers  until I inspected more closely.

With spring in the air (and a lot of pollen blowing around too!)  I just couldn't resist playing around with pink, flowers, and ribbons to put together a bit of happy mail!  Just on the frugal note...the ribbon pictured here (which I love for snailmail) was purchased at the Dollar Tree...they had several pastels to choose from.  And I have noticed that several of the craft stores have put quite a few things on clearance in the paper goods.  Keep your eye out for deals this time of year for your paper crafting stash.

On a personal note...if you have written me, please have patience with me as I have been preparing to quit my job and have had to tie up loose ends.  Yay.  This will allow me more time to devote to my letter writing.  But do not despair... I have carefully recorded all of my incoming , your name, date I received, and they are being answered (happily!)in a systematic fashion, so hopefully this week I will be all caught up!

Happy Spring!

Write Letters,
Write Often.

Lady Pamela

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