
Friday, May 15, 2015

An Austentatious Response!

Out-Going Austen Mail...

I was delighted to finally clear enough time on my calendar to sit down and work on my response to my Jane Austen-ish letter from Lady Anna in Hertfordshire , England.  I sometimes start with the letter ...sometimes I start with the envelope.  This time I believe I got started on the letter first.  She had sent me plenty of fodder for writing.  I found that of course that we had a Jane Austen connection (she, being an authentic Janeite!), love of the Bronte sisters, and all things postal.  Because of all of this common interest, I had no trouble writing my crossed letter!

This was the first time I had used my customized  wax seal for the Jane Austen Letter Writing Society!

I was pleased with the results.

I had to really look around for my Jane Austen ephemera...It is hard to find these things here in the USA.  I had  been able to purchase some Austen items from Laura Boyle of  Austentation  (She is also on Etsy)  .  I encourage you to check out her lovely web site.   The proprietor is very friendly and ships out orders quickly.  I purchased the black silhouettes from her and other paper crafting  supplies  and was very pleased.

I'm afraid my letter was just a Bi-Fold Pocket letter and not nearly as elaborate as Lady Anna's ...I really should have made it a Tri-Fold because I had so much to put in it.  

You see...I could have used another panel for all of my enclosures.  I put the extras in a cute envelope, so it worked.

This is the outside. of my Bi-Fold Pocket Letter.  I secured  it with ribbon and stitched this cute crown to the ribbon.

Here is the final product.   Again, I do not have a picture of it in the envelope, but it did make it's way into the mail.

I do so hope that Lady Anna of  Hertfordshire, UK enjoys the effort!  Happy travels across the Atlantic!

Write Letters.
Wrote Often.

Lady Pamela

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