
Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Golden Parcel

Gold Mail

It's time to send out a bit of "Gold Mail".  There is an important birthday to celebrate.  It is late, so it needs to be extra special.  So here you can see that I have assembled a good amount of my gold supplies.   It's always good to get them out to see what you have on hand.

I'm going to start with the box.  I really like the LARGE gold foil alphabet stickers!

Next, I get out my gold sparkly gel pen and whip up a bit of a note.

Isn't this bottle cute?  I love the cork...I added some gold beads and confetti.

Here is a verse that I is appropriate for any birthday!

I thought I would be able to use a punch on this gold glitter paper...but it was a NO GO.  So I had to switch gears and make this little flower wand by hand.

Next was a bit of an experiment.  I purchased this gold crepe paper, hoping it would do okay with my flag punch.  I struck out with my gold I am keeping my fingers crossed.

And a big sigh of relief.  It works great!

Assembly time!

I learned from another blogger , Jenna Templeton, never to waste our here I go making a few flowers to sprinkle through the box.

I made a little cello bag  to package up the flag banner.

Now it is time to put it all together and get it in the mail.  

Oh, and I nearly forgot the TEA!!!  I was glad that I could find one that was packaged in a gold foil wrapper.  Yay!

I hope that my friend will enjoy a bit of Gold in her mail.  

Write Letters,
Write Often.

Lady Pamela.


  1. I love the gold! Sometimes I forget there are other colors besides pink, purple, and blue.

  2. Yes... there is definitely something about the shimmery...sparkly...G O L D mail!

  3. your friend will think it's the golden time of day! Your idea is simply lovely. Who wouldn't feel enriched by your clever thoughtful creative gesture? :)
