
Friday, June 26, 2015

Let's Send Some Music Mail!

Music Mail

Do you love music?  I do.  I also like to "make" music ... on the piano and fiddle.  But I found that I also enjoy "making" music mail.   I found this adorable wrapping paper with musical scores and made quite a few envelopes from it.  I can't remember where I got the washi tape, but I special ordered it online some where because I have not seen anything like it any where else.  I wish I could remember where I found it.  Does anyone recognize it?

I stamped a tag with my music stamps...and wrapped up a bit of wahi tape as a sample.  I know who I am sending this to.  She loves music!

How about you?  Do you know of anyone that would like to receive some "Music Mail"?

Write Letters,
Write Often.

Lady Pamela


  1. So cute!! I love the envelope and tag, especially!

  2. your letters are so pretty. I get plenty of ideals.
    Coffee is on

    1. This is a fun theme for I love music. Thank you!
