
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Utica Snail Mail Incoming!

Some Recent Finds In My Mail Box

This came in my mail  some time back.  My niece has started a new enterprise called:  #uticablueprints on instagram.  I believe she will have an Etsy store up soon.  She makes these prints  of Utica's wonderful architecture ,her home town.  She is so talented isn't she? Then she included something else for me in the package. She picked up a customized rubber stamp for me in India. Perfect! Thank you Sarah.  (Update:  here is her Etsy store:  UticaBlueprints )

Here is one of her cards that she sent me while she spent a year in India.  I love how she sketched her surroundings.  I am wondering  if she kept a paper journal with her sketches.  Hmmm, I'll have to catch up with her and find out.

The Craftier the Better,
Happy Snail Mailing!



  1. Thanks for the kind words Aunt Pam! I have started an Etsy store, actually, you can find it here:

    1. Yes, I put a direct link into the body of the post! Great WORK!
