
Friday, November 6, 2015

More Incoming Snail Mail!

My mail box has been quite happy as of late, and what makes me even happier is that I get to respond to each of these wonderful letters!  When you have more than one or two to answer, how do you approach it?  I keep saying that I am going to write one letter each day...but by the end of the day, I seem to be out of mental steam.  Does that happen to you?  It is next to impossible for me to  write when my brain is tired.  But, I think that I am going to give myself a little push to do some writing in the evening.  We'll see what happens!

I got a pumpkin!  I got a pumpkin!   It is from Limner herself---why, I got one of her FANTASTIC  Halloween  mailart letters!  Haha, and it spooked me as it arrived, eerily in my mailbox on Oct. 31st itself!  Check out her amazing art work and blog here.

Ok, can't spend too much time on the computer, I need to get started on some letter writing.

Have a great weekend!

Put a smile on someone day today,
Happy Snailmailing!



  1. I totally understand you about not feel willing to reply letters sometimes. I started this challenge on my blog this month of writing a letter everyday ( I know, its crazy) and it's helping me to try to really stop for a while and write or reply a letter and enjoy it, and make it a moment of the day when i relax and enjoy doing something i like, It's hard 'cause , because it is a challenge it can become an obligation, but I'm enjoying so far, and we always learn from challenges, don't we ? Love your blog, xoxo

    1. A letter a day, if I can, is still my goal. I love the slowing down in my hectic "world" to savor the slowness.. all the THINKING that goes into my crazy letters. Because, believe me, I get crazy silly sometimes in my letters! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wow...I believe 4 was what I receive at one time.
    Coffee is on

    1. Isn't EACH letter precious? It is truly a gift from someone. I just love that thought: when we carve out time from our busy schedules and sit still long enough to write something meaningful...and it physically reaches someone else, maybe thousand of miles away, and the recipient receives that proof of your mental labor of love... to me, it is just amazing!

  3. Pam, I often run into the problem of being mentally tired at the end of the day. Although I love sitting down to relax and write a letter, it is sometimes too much after a day of teaching and correcting. I would love a mail haul like that on one day!

    1. Letter Writing is such a MENTAL activity, right??? Really it's great for keeping the brain sharp...super intellectual activity. Especially as I grab my Roget's Thesaurus...I love learning new words, inserting quotes, and retelling funny stories. It helps me laugh at myself, and sometimes even vent. Oh, the absolute joys of letter writing!

  4. I really need to get back into the habit of writing again. I really do enjoy it, I just need to make time as I always enjoy the quite time to myself and the writing.
