
Monday, January 25, 2016

Incoming to Lost Art Revived!

A Peek Inside My Mail!

View out my front window, overlooking the snowy landscape.

Hey everyone!  I'm snowed in here in Virginia!  We have about 13 inches of snow...and we have been hunkered down for 4 days now.  It has given me a good amount of time to work on some snail mail projects, and write some letters.  I also want to apologize for being MIA on this blog for quite some time.  My sister calls me a SLACKER! ;-)  But here is what has been going on.  I live quite rurally, and recently (about the last 2 months) our Internet, wifi, cellular have been almost non existent during regular working days.  I have finally figured out that if I want to blog, I must arise at 4 AM and get to the wifi,cellular before it gets jammed or gobbled up by someone else!  Hopefully I can get back on track.

I have received quite a variety of snail mail coming into my mail box, making ONE HAPPY MAILBOX. Some are from old friends, and a few are new.  I am going to share 2 letters, one in this blog, and the other in my next blog.  I'm always excited to share what OTHERS are doing, so we can ALL be inspired!

First, this one is from a new pen friend, Annie.  The envelope.  Wow.  What can I say?  It is gorgeous...I love Kraft envelopes, and WHITE INK.  I die.  Not shown (because it got chopped off in my editing by mistake) is a wax seal.  The stamps?  Fantastic.  Just the complete arrangement of the lettering, the stamps...oh, this is spot on!  But wait.  It gets even better!

Look at all of this goodness!  Home made envelopes, mini envelopes...and more.

The card houses an accordion letter which is shown below, but look at the sticker.  This delightful lady is wearing my kind of hat.  Where can I get one of these?   Ha, ha.   The top  of the hat is an inkwell, and the brim holds feathered quills.  

The blue envelope holds a most interesting card.  This is a facsimile of the Library Of Congress card from their card catalog of Pride And Prejudice!  Annie did her homework and found that I am a Janeite.   I love anything and everything Jane Austen.  And did you notice that the card holding her letter has another one of these  P & P cards on it as well?

When you open the card, a cascade of stationery pages all connected tumble out into a nice long letter.  I love how she used several different styles of stationery for this letter.  A great way to use up the stationery sets that have only 1 or two pages, right?  It was a lovely letter.  I'm inspired, how about you?  Thank you Annie, and I will be working on a reply soon!

Happy Snail Mailing



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Jenclair! I is so absolutely BEAUTIFUL with all of this spectacular WHITE as far as the eye can see!

  2. Thank you Pam! What sweet words you have for my snail mail efforts. I had a great time putting this together for you. Your blog is greatly inspiring for letter you can see. LoL.

    1. I am so thankful to be a small part of that inspiration...I enjoy and am inspired myself by others amazing works!

  3. I love Annie's artful mail she sent you. Her works of HeArt are always inspiring. Snail mail is a special gift from others.
