
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Lost Art Revived Blog Giveaway Winners

Finally, the Winners !

I love receiving packages in the mail, don't you?  I was fortunate to receive two packages in response to my giveaway offer.  Do you remember the  Autumn match book challenge?  Well, because of Internet problems, the holidays,  this post got terribly delayed.  My sincere apologies to these two sweet ladies who promptly  responded!  Note to self:  Do not post a Blog Give Away right before 2 major holidays!  Their creativity NEEDS to be SHARED.

This sweet entry was from Paula.  I enjoyed her letter and her cute matchbox...and the adorable acorn.  I never in my life ever thought of painting an acorn...but  how cute is this?

Matchboxes can hold all sorts of treasures and secrets.

Carolyn sent me a tin that was decorated....

Nestled inside the tin was the very crafty, cute matchbox.  I enjoyed her letter as well.

Autumn is such a good time to look around at its beauties and treasures.

In my book, both of you are WINNERS!  Thank you so much for taking the time to write me and for sending me  a moment that you captured  in a box.  Enjoy!

Happy Snail Mailing


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