
Monday, February 1, 2016

Snail Mail Paint Chip Ideas

Snail Mail Ideas....

"Okay honey, I'm heading over to the  hardware section...I need to pick up some snail mail supplies...."  Am I the only one who heads to the hardware paint section of the check out the latest paint chips for my craft needs?  They have certainly evolved over the years from the drab cards to the well...


I decided, like many of you already do, to turn this into a mail tag card.  It is necessary to put a backing on this card  to cover the printed matter.  Now it is ready for Mail Tag!


  1. Ours are still just coloured paint chips... these are truly spectacular!!

    1. I got these at Walmart! I think I have seen them at Lowes too.

  2. In saying that I still pick up those and use them for writing on quotes or drawing a quirky picture to add to my snail mail :)

  3. I didn't even know they printed chips like this!! I've never heard of mail tag either.

    1. Hi Annie! Mail tag is a question/answer format that goes between pen pals. The questions can range to just about anything. I usually ask my pen pals some interesting questions (and I answer them as well. Then the recipient will answer them and send a new set of questions. Often they are written on a separate piece of paper, or in this instance, on the back of a paint chip. You can do a search on Pinterest for "mail tag questions" to get a great list! I hope I explained what "mail tag" is , somewhat. Ha ha, maybe I need to do a post on this topic!

  4. I love those paint chips. In England they just put out a sample roll of each of the wallpapers they sell and you can tear a bit off...of course, I tear enough to make envelopes and other snail mail things.

    1. Oh, England! You might not have the paint chips...but you have the moors, Dover, Chawton House...and the list goes on and on!

  5. I have just reduced my obscene collection of paint chips. I almost feel like a real thief. If hubby is wth me I am not allowed to "steal" any paint chips. Your artful chips are glorious. I also use them for punching out hearts and such. I need to check out "Mail Tag". Thank you for sharing this...

    1. Ha, ha! I am very careful not to take too many. They really are so is hard!

  6. I am bananas for paint chips. I confess, I do not know what a "Mail Tag" is - can someone explain, so I can put my ludicrous amount of paint chip stashes to good use? I am enjoying sending mail across the Pond to some precious folk at a church in the Manchester area. Just a few days ago my chief pen pal there, Val, went Home after a long battle with cancer, so I am bereft, but more determined than ever to send joyful mail to my friends in England.
