
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Pink Crush Snail Mail

NOTICE TO ALL MY READERS:  You are at the right place!  Do you like my new "cleaned up look"?  I have been a published blog now for over 5 years, and thought I was due for a little update.  Many thanks to my sweet daughter in law for the new banner.  Isn't it FABULOUS?  I may have some more changes in the appearance of the website in the future and would love to hear your feed back as I move forward.  

I am a bit behind  on posting some of my out going snail mail...I think this was a few weeks ago.  Thank you to Elaine for two of the envelopes (Sunflowers and Tea Kettle) that she so graciously shared with me.  I need to get together with her and have a "Envelope Making Night" in her FABULOUS craft studio!  You will get to meet Elaine in a post coming up real soon.   

I make many of my envelopes from gift wrapping paper, and the above envelope was one of them.    In the above picture the "music" envelope was also from sturdy wrapping paper.  Have you tried this before?  With the pink paper, it really needs a liner, which is simple to make and adds a little more thickness to the paper.

This is one of the few Valentine Day cards that I sent out this year.  I had started cutting out all the components of this card to make several...but never got around to it.  It is tucked away for a rainy day.  I think these would be good to send out ANY time of the year don't you?

I have lots of writing to do, so if you have sent me a letter in the past month, yes, month!  (ugh--how do I get behind???) Do not fear, you will be getting a DELIGHTFUL response!  I have LOVED all of my mail recently.  Thank you so much for all the sweetness you have been sending my way!

Go forth and make beautiful MAIL!



  1. Pretty in Pink! I LOVE the new banner -- your daughter did an excellent job. Love the new design too. My only other feedback is, I think your photos should be larger if you can do that...(I wish the photos on my blog were larger too but then they cut into the print on the side).....nice work....

    1. Same here! When I go to the X- large size for photos...zap, it gets into my margin. ;( Thanks for the feed back Pamela!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Mrs. Duffy! I think I owe you a letter! :/

  3. Your new blog banner and look are as fresh as Spring. I adore your envelopes. I like to create envelopes out of wrapping paper, scrapbook paper, maps and magazines to name a few. Embracing Creative Bliss...

    1. Thank you so much! It was a LONG time over due! I want to have an envelope making party. I think it would be a great idea...everyone brings some different materials to make envelopes (calendars, maps, etc.) and then everyone would go home with a nice variety.

  4. The new look is great & I adore that heart card :)

  5. I sent you a letter about a week ago, can't wait to hear from you!
