
Monday, June 8, 2015

A Pocket Letter Response!

Pink And Kraft Vintage...
Pocket Letter

I received my first Pocket Letter from a dear friend, Elaine.  If you need to know details about Pocket Letters, check out Janette Lane's Blog at:  Blog
If you want to see Elaine's beautiful, cheerful Pocket Letter that she sent me, you can see it  here  

It took me one crafty session to knock this out.  I think I had to mentally get into the gear of this project, but I could see that you could do some of the steps  separately before hand.  For instance.  You could definitely cut your "background" papers  in a separate session.  That would eliminate quite a bit of time with that one step.  Arrrgghh. I'm a terrible cutter.  But it is rather simple, cutting 2 1/2 X 3 1/2 inch rectangles.   Elaine sent me a cute little "cover" card----where did you get this cute thing , Elaine?  I had some large tags which were about the same size, so I just used one of these.  I used the pink bling factor...

This is the front of my Pocket theme (because my, oh my, you MUST have a theme for these Pocket Letters!)"Faith , Hope and Love" in the style of  Vintage, or shabby chic.

 This is the BACK of my Pocket Letter.  Hmmm....looks a bit bare, doesn't it. ?

I went ahead and added some items that were not glued down so that she could use them  in future projects.  Elaine is the "Queen of Crafts" so I know she will know exactly what to do with these items!

This little pocket holds a folded up letter for Elaine.

All tucked away nicely in a business-sized envelope...but has to be sent as a parcel when you have lots of goodies in it.    But still, it is not too expensive and I think rather worth it , don't you?  
To carry  the  vintage style through I had to get madam Victorian boot wax stamp out and finish the job. 

OK...your turn.  Have you  joined the Pocket Letter Craze?  Give it a try! You just might get hooked.  

Write Letters,
Write Often.

Lady Pamela


  1. How wonderful!!! Not sure I could make one, are they all pockets or just little decorated tags etc.?

    1. Haha...yes you can! Have you ever seen Base Ball card vinyl pocket holders for 3-ring binders? Well, that is what these are. They have nine individual pockets that actually hold base ball card sized items.

  2. I love mine! Unfortunately, the vinyl makes me ill. Patty sent me my first so I am forever thankful for my friend. Pamela gave a tutorial for a substitute. It's not quite the same thing but something is better than none-thing. :) I always keep an eye out for a hypoallergenic substitute! Can't you just imagine an album full of pockets?

    1. Accckkk! Being allergic to vinyl must stink! Is the Tutorial from CappuccinoAndArt? Good for you for finding a substitute. If you could find a link to that tutorial , please post it so others who have this problem can find it. Thanks!

    2. Accckkk! Being allergic to vinyl must stink! Is the Tutorial from CappuccinoAndArt? Good for you for finding a substitute. If you could find a link to that tutorial , please post it so others who have this problem can find it. Thanks!

  3. Hahaha , now I see! will give this a try it looks like a lot of fun!
