
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Frugal Finds...Fabric Washi Tape!

Dollar Tree finds...

Have you seen these lovelies?  They are fabric decorative tape.  I found these at the Dollar Tree among their washi tape display.

Have you ever used the fabric tape?  I have not used these yet and could use a few tips.  Does it work just like  washi tape?  Can you move it about, or is it more unforgiving?  .  If you have used these before , could you please leave me a comment on how to best use? 

Make beautiful Mail.

Write Letters,
Write Often.

Lady Pamela


  1. Haven't use Wasbi tape much. But we had our local variety store closed there door and I got some great deal on stationary supplies....Coffee is on

  2. I haven't used washi tape yet but I have a few rolls abandoned in my Amazon cart. It's time to order those and give it a try.

  3. I have used fabric decorative tape and it is like washi tape, but a little less forgiving. It's easy to get crooked when trying to make a straight line. I do like the texture of the fabric tape though.

    1. That's what I was is pretty though! And I think the texture will be nice...for $1.00 it's worth a try, right?

  4. Thanks for the tip!
    I just discovered your blog this weekend and have had so much fun reading all of the posts. Thank you!

    1. So glad you found me! Welcome and ENJOY!!!

    2. So glad you found me! Welcome and ENJOY!!!
