
Friday, August 14, 2015

DIY: Making Post Cards

Turn Your Art Into Post Cards

Do you like to make your own postcards, or have you never tried?  I enjoy postcards, and I am a member of  a great group called Post Crossing.  This is a great organization for receiving and sending postcards from around the world.  If you find your mail box more empty than full these days, sign up at : Post Crossing and get that mail box full!

DIY postcards might be better suited to Swap Bot  (another great organization), as Post Crossing usually requires purchased cards.  Whichever route you decide to take, making postcards for your personal pen pals is great fun.

When I purchase a product that I am really pleased with, I want to share it with others.  Here are the details of my most recent purchase.  I received this rubber stamp in the mail the other day from an order I placed online from Hobby Lobby. Just a side note:  I was pleasantly surprised by the online sale of 40% off which almost gave me free shipping.  It is quite large, as far as rubber stamps go.  

Here is the back side of the rubber stamp--just in case you were interested.  

I didn't have a stamp pad large enough to lay it down and stamp the ink, so I improvised and just wiped my stamp pad ,seen here, across the rubber.  It worked just fine and I was VERY pleased with the quality of the stamp.

Now these post cards can be sent out properly.  If you are one to make your own postcards, you might want to consider  one of these stamps.  I had been meaning to get one of these for quite a long time and now I am glad I made the purchase.

The Craftier, the better.
Crafty Snail mailing.


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