
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Jane Austen Letter Writing Society

The Society Has Arrived!

I have GREAT news!  After literally more than two years of thoughts and ramblings in my head about starting a letter writing society that would be inspired by Jane Austen, it is finally a reality.  

I have always held a great admiration for the Jane Austen novels and movies based on her books.  I am a total, hopeless romantic.  I also enjoy Jane Austen's humor, wit, and her great perception and insight of human character. She was also a prolific letter writer although approximately only 160 of her letters survive today.  And did I mention the elegance of her writing?  It is precise, the vocabulary is rich, and the descriptions of everyday life--explicit.  

Periodically I have posted Austen themed mail on this blog.  I have also met fellow Janeites in the snail mail world at large from Swap Bot, A Month Of Letters, and even Etsy to name a few.  I also have a Jane Austen Letter Writing Society page right here on my blog.  It was really just a discussion forum to keep those interested in such a society informed on my progress or lack of progress, as was generally the case. I wondered if I could find a place on this blog to host my Letter Writing Society.  But the scope of Lost Art of Letter Writing Revived is rather broad, covering  just about anything in the snail mail genre.  The more I considered this, the more I realized that the Society needed a place of its own where it would not get lost in the hustle and bustle here.  

What is the Jane Austen Letter Writing Society--besides being a mouthful?  Ha ha.  It is a place where those with a heart and yearning for letter writing from an era long gone.  It is a place of exploration and fun.  It is a Pen Friend matching service, and a place for readership participation.  To be a part of the society one need not go far, it is "in the neighborhood" so to speak,   You can be a part of this unique letter writing experience by hopping over to the Society's home.   It is also listed in my blog list on the left.  

So Lady Pamela will pull up her skirts and amble her way over to the and take up permanent residence there.  Pam, the Crafty Snail Mailer will continue on here.

Write Letters.
Write Often.



  1. Sending a letter the old fashion way,snail mail seem to be more personally.
    Quick questions...How many letters do you write a week?....How many letters do you receive a week?
    Me, I seem to behind. I have about 65 people I write to now.

    Coffee is on.

    1. 65??? That is crazy amazing!!! I don't write near that many! But I do LOVE writing letters, and anyone who will write me, I will write back! I also have quite a few "regulars".

  2. Oh, but I have a feeling you've made a lot of people very happy! Congratulations and wishes for success that surpasses your expectations.
