
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Postcrossing Is Alive And Well!

Post Crossing Happiness!!

Do you remember this from a few weeks ago?  I sent a "fistful" of postcards out to mainly Germany and Russia...  It ALWAYS pays off!

Here is some recent incoming Post Crossing activity in my mail box.  If you haven't tried Post Crossing  ( yet, check out their web site and give it a try.  It keeps your mail box happy.

I just love the cool international stamps,don't you?  I am partial to Japanese Stamps...but I love them all!

This  beautiful postcard didn't have much writing, but where it lacked in writing, it MORE than made up for it in gorgeous postage stamps!  I love the quaint little phrases in English.  I admire anyone trying to learn a new language--bravo!

You may receive more than a postcard from a postcrosser  like I did here. 

 In my Post Crossing  profile, I mention that I teach a geography class to young children, so I appreciated any cards that showed the landscape, or local landmarks.   I do take the cards in and share them with my class.  the children take turns locating the country and city on a map from the point of origin of the  postcard. 

  Because of this , the postcrosser sent a beautiful postcard of local foods of Taipei, Taiwan, along with pictures, scenes of the locality

 and then a coin.  Such a lovely experience!  I plan on sending something back to this kind postcrosser.  

Happy Snail Mailing...


1 comment:

  1. I just recently sent one to Finland. I have been off for a while but I hope to get back in the groove. Can you use stamps that equal up to the amount or just use one stamp? I have used just one but there are people who like to collect the stamps.
