
Friday, October 9, 2015

What's Happening In My Mailbox!

The Goings On of a Snail Mailer

I received this letter  recently and noticed that there were not cancellation marks on the stamp.

A young friend of mine made this  gorgeous origami flower with a jewel center--it arrived in perfect condition.  I think that it was saved from going through the machines and someone lovingly directed it to me.  OK...I like to think that, but hey--maybe!  Anyways, thank you, USPS for a job well done!

Some Great mail that needs my attention.

I love this New York Stamp, and look at that great 2 cent stamp with the light house. I love the art of postal arrangement, I'm still learning about it.  Some people just have a knack for it...I need to work at it.  I guess it starts with a wide assortment of postage stamps at the ready.  Do you work at making a beautiful arrangement of stamps on your letters? 

This sweet letter came from Spain!  I loved the fruit slice garland and the package of goodies.  Really cheerful  mail.  Now all I need is some quiet time  so that I can get busy  and write some letters.  What about you?  Are you behind on letter writing or on top of things?  

The craftier, the better!
Happy Snailmailing,



  1. That looks familiar! Thanks for posting this, Ms. Pam. This is the link to how to make those, if anyone is interested.

  2. I am behind on blogging and writing mail. I need to get my butt in gear and put some pen to paper.

  3. I am also behind on mail. There will be a letter coming your way soon though. I am trying to get some mail sent before my trip to Idaho this week. I will be visiting my dad in St. Maries, Idaho. I love to see your posts and I get great ideas for my own letter writing. Do you know if there is a recipe for homemade ink? I finally found an antique ink bottle but I want to make my own ink. Have a great day. <3

  4. I WISH that there was a need for multiple stamps here in Australia... our stamps are generally a wee bit boring and you don't require more than one... love seeing mail done like this!
