
Monday, February 29, 2016

Clear Snail Mail!

I Can See Clearly Now...

What is it about clear envelopes?  I just love them. In this letter that I sent to my friend Amelia, I also added a bit of shimmer confetti.  I went easy here, as I didn't want it to hamper the USPS from being able to read the address.  Here is a great way to send a wax seal, twine, and other embellishments through the postal system in a "kinder and gentler " way that won't have the postal employees fretful and charging you lots of money for the external cuties you put on your envelopes.   I have a secret I want to share with you about how you can get clear envelopes for FREE! ( Well...sort of!)

I use quite a few of these sticker packs as I decorate my mailers for my Etsy store for outgoing orders.  What I noticed is, this clear packaging for the stickers are the same dimensions as a legal envelope!  All you need to do is to slip out the card stock backing of the stickers, and you now have a nice clear envelope for your snail mail!  So don't throw away your sticker packaging, up cycle them in your next cool snail mail project.

Here is some "sweet" bag mail that went out to Beth!

This has embellishments that would NEVER make it through the postal again, if it is something you want to share with the world...then go ahead and put it into a clear cello self seal bag. , then attach your postage and away it goes.

I love ETSY!  This is the dimensions for the self seal cello bags that I purchased through this Etsy shop. The above "sweet" bag mail was sent in this size cello bag. This shop has super fast service and these bags can be used for a  multitude of projects. 

Go forth and send pretty snail mail!



  1. All of your snail mail looks so artful

  2. Your mail is so pretty! BEST envelope idea that I've seen in a LONG time! Thank you for sharing the tip.

    1. Thank you Michelle, I get so inspired by others too! Yep, I love the sticker cello of my favorites!

  3. You'd think that wouldn't be such a difficult thing to figure out....recycling the sticker cello for an envelope...but I don't think I ever would have thought of that. Your snail mail is so creative and clever and beautiful. I know this first hand as of today. I'm still admiring all the nooks and crannies and great details. You are such a generous letter writer! Thank you so much! And all while you are so busy with family. Amazing!

    1. Oh , Hi Annie! Glad my little offering made it to you! Enjoy!

  4. Oh that is so clever! I'll be collecting these from now on! :) Thanks for the tip!

  5. i love clear envelopes too. I buy my clear bags at Diaso, the Japanese Dollar Store but I love that you re-purpose bags from things you've bought. Good idea.

    1. I go through LOTS of stickers, so I have an ample supply. Thanks for the comment!

  6. don't forget also that you can use the card board inserts for crafting bookmarks . Just simply glue on white copy paper cut down to size of course and decorate and wallah a handmade bookmark ...

    1. Great idea phonelady! I've repurposed some of the cardboard inserts for other things but I haven't thought of the book mark idea. Thanks!

  7. I love to make cards but never thought about sending in a clear envelope. First time visitor and love your site. Became a follower. Hugs, LJ

    1. Welcome Lady Jane! We are so happy to have you here! And I love followers who comment...makes me feel like I'm not talking to myself! ;-)
