
Friday, April 8, 2016

A Peek Inside A Snail Mailer's Studio

Meet Elaine!

Doesn't she just have the friendliest smile?  She is the "Queen" of  card making, and beautiful snail mail.  She also has a gorgeous craft studio which is meticulously organized.  Let's take a look and be inspired!

I love this wall with the white lights.  Ooooh.  I want an Ott light!

This is a nice wooden chest of drawers holding all sorts of crafting supplies.  

This drawer holds some of her rubber stamps.

This is my favorite organizational tool.  It is a tool box that she purchased at Lowes Home Improvement store.  Isn't it GREAT?  Think of all your tiny embellishments all tucked away in a neat, organized manner.

The plastic , versatile bins that are nearly reaching the ceiling.  Just kidding.  

I believe she told me that this cart was purchased at Cosco.  It holds her letter writing supplies.  With this  cart, she is able to get to her letter writing in a flash.

This is a wall holding cute inspirations, sentiments, and just a happy spot.

This is a card that she recently made for Swap-Bot.  Elaine, is very active with  quite a few of the swaps on this site.  She is the one to encourage me to join up and actually participate in the swaps.  If I ever have a question about a swap, she is the person I turn to!

More rolling carts full of all sorts of supplies...I didn't actually peek into each one, but it was all lovely .

Do you have your journal cards  organized?  

Well, that is the end of the tour of Elaine's studio.  I hope that inspires you to organize your supplies so that you can better use them.  It's a shame to have something and not be able to find it, so let's ...

Go forth and make beautiful mail!



  1. WOW! Now that's impressive. I think I'm pea green with envy.

  2. Wow!!! That is impressive! You are right she had more than you do.😉

  3. Oh to be that organized! Wonderful!

  4. Ahhh...I especially love that last picture. And so many stamps! I do believe I've found my kind of people here!

  5. That cart is the Raskog cart from Ikea! I have the same one and it is awesome. Great for mobile creating throughout the house ;)

    I am pretty sure that I've been the lucky recipient of a swap from Elaine. It's cool to see her space! :)
