
Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Tiniest Message In A Bottle!

Hold on to your socks!  

If this inspirational incoming snail mail from  Amber  doesn't "knock the socks off you"...something is seriously wrong!

It arrived with the "Queen's" postage....I always get excited with any mail...but mail with the "Queen's" postage gets my blood pumping!  ;-)  The  outside of the folio letter had a bit of whimsy to clue me in...

Isn't this all so charming?  I love the papers... all perfectly delightful!

The crowning jewel is the letter of course, with a lovely wax seal.

Here in the middle of the folio was a decorated match box... can you believe what was inside?   the tiniest message in a bottle that I have ever seen!

The scrolled up message also had a wax seal and glittery goodness.

What a sweet message!  YES Amanda, it arrived in  beautiful condition!  I am a bit behind on correspondence but I am working on your letter now, I can't wait to send it to you.  Thank you for all of the time and expense in sending this lovely parcel to me.  I look forward to an  enjoyable time sending letters "across the pond" to you!

Are you inspired?  I certainly am.  It is so wonderful to "meet folks" from all over the world in reviving the lost art of letter writing.

Why not write a letter today?



  1. That is so cute! I want to to try something of the sort!

  2. Such a beautiful page you have received I so enjoyed seeing the message in the bottle how wonderful and so, so small.Thank you so much much for sharing your treasure with us all.
    With Love ~ Lady Anne xx
