
Friday, May 27, 2016

Mish Mash of EVERYTHING Snail Mail!

 Sister Mail, Lords and Ladies, Philately, Watercolor boo- boos, and a Camper friend!

Here are a few of my outgoing of lately.  The Map Envelope is on its way to the Netherlands to a Lord and Lady couple; the Watercolor is Sister mail; and the kawaii Hello Kitty is to a trusty pen pal.

These beauties came from Global Pen Pal.  She is an antique hound, so she keeps an eye out for vintage postage.    I love that I had need seen one of them...the Lacemaking USA stamp.  

A recent outgoing to Global PenPal couldn't just have a Forever stamp.  I had a red and blue color scheme going on this envelope, so I looked for some cool blue stamps.  I think they fit the bill!

When you have a  collage going on with your envelope, don't forget to put a little extra postage, or in this case , I also put the envelope in a clear cello bag envelope, then I placed the stamps on the cello bag so they could be cancelled.

This arrived from Amelia.  Doesn't she have some nice art work  on this envelope?  She also included a quill feather.  She is a entrepreneur...and quite young.  She has an  Etsy Store and is such a "go-getter",  wonderfully talented and hard working.

I love the of the new florals that are out.  I think it looks like it BELONGS there.

See the glaring mistakes?  Why did I feel the need to outline the rock?  Haha.  Ok, this picture is going to stay on the small scale...not extra large.  

Some more watercolor, with some really atrocious errors (notice the thumb placement?  I'm covering a big mistake there), but it was my first attempt at this study.  My oldest daughter and her family just recently moved to a very rural area with a lovely stream.  I tried to capture that as best I could.  In reality it is a much more shaded, darker area than I have depicted  here.  I sent it, mistakes and all to my sister, who will soon be here on a visit.  My sister and I have started a water color exchange project.  She has wanted to experiment with watercolors and I have too, so it makes a nice challenge. 

** See below comments.  If you mail a letter portrait instead of  landscape you would need to add extra postage.  I forgot to do this as you can see, but thankfully, the letter made it just fine.  I did send out a previous water color envelope (portrait) that was held up at the post office until the receiver went and paid the extra postage.  Talk about embarrassment!

Isn't this charming?  I love the vibrant colors and peaceful scene.  Thanks, sis!

Happy Snail Mailing!



  1. Glad it came in! I just sent another one :)

  2. I love it and yes; it does look peaceful yet as you say with a vibrancy. I love it and the mistakes too whatever they may be. You cannot have mistakes in art as it is all relevant, it makes it what it is: Beautiful.
    Love ~ Lady Anne xx

  3. Lovely mail, I love the watercolor stream through the woods, and the rock looks fine! Absolutely beautiful mail

  4. Beautiful!! Careful though... If you turn your letter longways and address it that way it requires and extra 21 or 22 cent stamp, because of orientation. I see that other one was delivered to you without it but don't count on that always happening!

    1. Thank you for the heads up on postage! I had quite forgotten that rule!

  5. Artists are always their harshest critics. You captured a moment in time that will be cherished forever. Your gift is beautiful.

    I've tried to master watercolor for years and am never satisfied. I found a piece that's almost fifteen years old. Guess what. I finally like it! :)

  6. I'd never heard of the rule of postage determined by whether the addressing was landscape or portrait...thank you for the tips, as I would have been quite embarrassed to make a joyous first attempt at sending portrait mail & having my friends have to go retrieve it from the Royal Post, LOL! (Though I've experienced that the Royal Post is incredibly polite & kind about fixing the occasional "oops").

    Once, I decided to a fun homemade envelope by using a wonderful magazine page w/my envelope template...I did not take into account the flimsy weight of the envelope paper & the generally wet British weather! But Royal Post to the rescue - they hand delivered to my precious friend Val, in a lovely waterproof packet, and having carefully pieced all pages together, and in order. Talk about going above & beyond - thank you, Royal Post! :)

    1. So nice to hear that the Royal Post is so obliging! I think that says a lot about a country!
