
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Chicken Mail

It All Started With Washi Tape....

It may have actually started with my rooster rubber stamp, now that I think of it.  But regardless, I ordered this adorable chicken washi tape off of Etsy...and I was definitely inspired.  Then I had to get some chicken stamps, and that was quickly solved by  my friend , Patrick at EdelweissPost and scored big time with a nice selection of stamps.

This went out to Sharon, who is a new pen pal, but she might not be too happy with my very tardy response. She discovered my blog and I am tickled that she is a fan.   However, she and I do possess quite a few similar interest, and one of those is watercolor, so I thought she might enjoy this.  Sharon, let me know if this arrived or not.  (Leave a comment??)

Oh, and in case you don't think I know, I do.  I recently viewed a video on Pinterest entitled : "5 Mistakes that Water Color Beginners Make", and yes, I have made all 5 and maybe many, many more.   (Where did all the white go?)    ;-) Hmmm...but it was a very well executed and I learned so much!  I hope to start paying attention to those "rules" or suggestions the next time I pick up my brush.   But the important thing here is to have fun, try new things, and send some mail, hopefully more quickly than I have been lately.

Cluck, cluck....

Send some good mail today!

Happy Snail Mailing,


*Available In The Shop*


  1. Oh, I am in love with this mail! I would totally get a kit if you made one!

  2. I love the water colour Lady Pamela, I don't care about the rules as what I love about water colour is that it happens and it is a freedom. Great work, I love all the roosters/chickens my Chinese horoscope sign is a rooster. Thank you for the wonderful inspiration.
    Love ~ Lady Anne xx

  3. I love cluckers! I buy Chickens Magazine. I've never drawn a rooster! You're braver than me. :) Nicely done too. I hope to remember to send you a picture of my special roosters. They remind me of your rooster. Paint on!

  4. Just found your blogs and am finding lots of good ideas to spice up my somewhat humdrum letters to my daughters. I'm not artistic, but love the matching of the envelope and stationery to the stamp and will make it work somehow.
