
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Nurse Mail

Put it on your calendar....

I have been busy around here.  Ask my husband.  Ask my kids.  I have been locking myself up in my room, and well....writing letters!  I have fallen behind on mail....and the crazy thing is, I don't know how it happened!   But I am almost caught up!  (relief!)  Moral to this story, don't get behind.  It makes one miserable to do so.

But did you know that National Nurse Week was May 6-12?  Of course I have a natural interest in this as I am a RN.  And I believe that Mrs. Murphy Of Mrs. Murphy's Mailbox Magic (one of the blogs I follow) is a nurse as well.  So I guess we can all give ourselves a pat on the back.    But this letter below went to a niece of mine.

This envelope (very flimsy one, not sturdy enough to receive the water colors) was inspired by some vintage stamps....don't you love the 4 cent stamp?  I love all of them.  Nurses today do not have a "capping" ceremony...I'm pretty sure  that my class was one of the last.  In fact...I think that only the OLD nurses still wore caps when I first received my cap.  But my fellow nursing students  and I couldn't WAIT to plop our caps on with a million pins and head to our clinical rotations.  Ha, ha.  I think mine got tangled up in an IV line on the first day.  Well, no matter what nurses ware today, they are special in my book.  Thank you for all you do!

Happy Snail Mailing,

The Nurse ;-)

*Available In The Shop!*


  1. I need to see if our post office has any nurse stamps. I just bought the Shirley temple one.
    See I collect stamps of people....People interest me mostly everyday people.
    Coffee is on

  2. Yay!! I love this idea! You are right, Pam, I am a nurse and I would love some nurse honoring snail mail someday. What a great idea! I'm adding it to my Big Book of Snailmail Ideas!! Thanks.

  3. Power to all nurses! There are several in our family and an ancestor was listed as a trained nurse during the Civil War. We've had midwives in our family since 1820. The should be a Clara Barton and Florence Nightingale stamp. No idea there was a Nat' Nurse's Week. Live and learn. Kudos to you and Mrs. Murphy.
